Solicitation of Prostitution
Sex Crime Attorney in West Palm Beach
Solicitation of prostitution, known as solicitation, entails asking for sex for money or encouraging sex for money. The actual sex act or money changing hands is not required in Florida for a solicitation arrest to be made. A crime such as this is one of the toughest to live down and people who have been convicted are often totally devastated by the associated negative stigma.
You need an attorney by your side that will fight vigorously for your rights to be upheld, while also being sensitive to the pressure you are dealing with during this difficult time. Contact me, Phil Ridolfo, at The Law Offices of Phillip T. Ridolfo, Jr. I am a West Palm Beach criminal defense lawyer and I offer a free initial consultation to evaluate the circumstances of your case and offer you a range of options to consider.
Penalties for Soliciting Prostitution
The punishment for solicitation of prostitution depends on whether it is a first offense and depends also on the circumstances of arrest.
Typically a first offense carries with it a penalty of:
- Up to a $500 fine
- 60 days in jail
The penalty for a second offense is:
- Up to a $1000 fine
- One year in jail
Besides jail time and fines, the offender can expect mandatory HIV testing and AIDS classes. Loss of employment for those who have licenses or security clearances is common as well as the disgrace heaped on you and your family. Don't hesitate; you need to make contact with me today to get started on your defense.
Defense from a West Palm Beach Criminal Lawyer
The lack of physical proof in solicitation cases makes them at times more difficult to prove than some of the other sex crimes. With 25 years of experience in hundreds of cases in Palm Beach County courtrooms, I have the knowhow to present a robust defense for you. At The Law Offices of Phillip T. Ridolfo, Jr., you can be assured of diligent defense and pursuit of uncovering any discrepancies or infringements of your rights during arrest.
Contact my firm for more information.