Robbery: An Overview

Crimes that are usually considered misdemeanors can be felonies depending on how the crime in question is carried out. Robbery is a crime that can be either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the details of the case. For example, armed robbery is considered a felony.

A robbery may not necessarily be a felony, but an armed robbery is. Because robbery involves both taking someone else's possessions without permission and usually violence of some sort, it incurs a more severe punishment than burglary.

Punishments for robbery vary from state to state. However, a typical jail sentence for misdemeanor robbery is six and a half years. If the robber was carrying a weapon during the event—or if for any other reason it is deemed a felony—then the punishment could result in a nine-year prison sentence. Some states use a three-strike law, which means that after three robbery charges, a person automatically receives a stricter punishment.

The Law Offices of Phillip T. Ridolfo, Jr. is a law firm that handles property offense cases for clients in West Palm Beach, Plantation, and the surrounding communities. A West Palm Beach criminal defense attorney from the firm has 25 years of experience handling these kinds of cases. Since Mr. Ridolfo also served as a county prosecutor in West Palm Beach, he has experience handling both sides of the issue. His knowledge gives him an upper edge in assisting his clients, and he is prepared to take on your case.

Do not hesitate to contact a West Palm Beach robbery lawyer at the office today for a free consultation.


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